Search results (4)
Accrual of the InstaCopy commission
Company Services
If a follower chooses to pay a commission per day, a trader will receive the commission daily at 23:30 (GMT+3). Otherwise, the trader will receive the commission only when the follower unsubscribes from the copying.
Trader's commission for a subscriber's losing position
Company Services
No, unfortunately, the trader will not receive a commission for this trade.
Trader's commission for a profitable trade performed by a subscriber
Company Services
Yes, the trader will receive commission for this trade.
No funds to pay InstaCopy commissions
Company Services
If it happenes so that a follower is short of funds to pay commission to a trader, then all the follower's funds will be deducted to repay the commission in full, the rest of the debt will be recorded in the system and then deducted from th...